On May 28, AARP launched an amazing new website , www.lifereimagined.org. This is a great tool that will help the 50+ market begin the process of figuring out what’s next! Helping Boomers to navigate their future, has become a big focus for life coaches, financial planners and organizations such as Encore.org. So AARP is jumping on the bandwagon in a big way! What most excites me about Life Reimagined is, that it is an easy to use tool, that will be easily accessible to Boomers all over America. It is the perfect way for people to get started on the journey of discovery and action for their Encore career.
I recently sat down with AARP’s Florida State Director, Jeff Johnson to talk about this significant new focus for AARP. Jeff explains, “The Life Reimagined website speaks to a need in our members. There are plenty of people at this stage of life where they are wondering what’s next.” AARP has spent several years working with thought leaders in many related areas to identify the steps people need to take as they began to explore what is possible for them and also how to implement a new direction in life. Jeff traveled across the state asking boomers what was most important as they navigate through a new stage of life. Jeff’s message across the state was- “The Future is yours for the making and we are here to help!” AARP’s primary focus and mission is to provide dignity, independence and purpose for adults over 50. Life Reimagined will continue to address these same three areas.
The website is designed as a self driven exploration with many different tools, assessments, resources, articles, videos and activities. AARP basically created six different stages or practices:
- Reflect: Take inventory. Where are you and how are you feeling?
- Connect: Create a core system that uniquely supports you along the way.
- Explore: Imagine what’s possible, think about where your life could go.
- Choose: Weigh your options, set direction and shape your life.
- Repack: Clarify your needs, identify what you need to succeed.
- Act: Take the first step, get ready to make things happen.
Jeff talks about the best way to approach the website; take your time, there are lots of great things to read and listen to, activities that require self reflection and techniques that help you along each stage, so go play and have fun and don’t forget to scroll down as well as click on the arrow on each page.
One of the features/ideas on the website that I really liked was the “Sounding Board”. AARP ‘s research found that going through this process requires on going support so they have you identify six key people in your life who could be your sounding board. They even provide ideas about how to utilize your sounding board and connect with them on an ongoing basis.
I asked Jeff about what lies ahead for Life Reimagined and AARP. First and foremost he wants to get the word out and encourage people to experience the website. He also would like to get feedback from those who went through the website. Jeff and everyone at AARP will be looking for opportunities to bring people together to continue the conversation and to identify other local resources and programs that can enhance the Life Reimagined JOURNEY! So stay tuned!
So here is your call to action—- jump in the water is fine… www.lifereimagined.com (it is free and you don’t have to be an AARP member).
Let Jeff or me know what you think about the experience!
Bevan Rogel
Encore Tampa Bay
Thank you for your blog and this information. AARP with this new initiative is projecting a younger image for those of us on the edges of 60. I like the energy of the logo. I may even start carrying my AARP card which my wife signed me up for so she could get the discounts. I am not too sure about the symbolism of fire on a hoop but it will be fun to consider. I like the conceptual basis of the AARP’s new initiative. I hope they offer some practical help like navigating health care and supporting an increase in the minimum wage, two things that I think will help seniors directly. The future may be ours but no one lives forever, not to be negative. I am 60 now and hope to live at least 15 more years based on family history and present health. But there are no guarantees. Health, quality of life, and end-of-life issues have to be considered. I want to be productive for as long as possible but at some point I won’t be able to do it anymore. So let’s make the best of these years with no down time. How do we do it? How do we give leadership to this growing awareness? What do we have in the tank? A zebra or a tiger? Go AARP! Go Encore!