There have been plenty of articles in the last year around boomers and their financial outlook as they head into the “retirement years”. Several research studies show that over 70% of adults over 50 are planning on working well beyond the retirement age, primarily because they cannot afford to retire. A recent Transamerica Survey found that only one in 10 boomers are building a large enough nest egg or have even started planning for retirement!
So as adults over 50 consider an Encore Career, it is important to consider their financial outlook. This may look different than traditional retirement planning because many Encore Career paths can provide some kind of added income. A good example of this is an entrepreneur start-up that generates additional income.
Marci Alboher, in her Encore Career Handbook, talks about key questions to ask yourself:
- Do you feel like you are financially ready to make an encore transition?
- Do you have a lot of planning still to do?
- Are you where you want to be in terms of retirement savings?
- Do you have a sense of how much income you need in order to be happy and comfortable?
Marci talks about finding out- what is your “encore number”. That number is going to look different for each one of you as you begin to identify what is important for you in the second half of life.
So the question is…. Are you ready? Have you started thinking about what is next for you in the second half of life? Have you been considering what kind of financial portfolio you are going to need as you consider a new direction?
At the Encore Academy, we offer exciting sessions that will not only help you identify what has real meaning and purpose for your life, but also help you figure out if you are financially ready for a new encore career.
Check out the Encore Academy programs! Programs are starting October 22! Its time for you to open the door to what is possible in the second (and best part) of life!!
“ You save not to have freedom from work, but to have freedom to do the work you want to do,” Marc Freedman
Bevan Rogel
Encore Tampa Bay