The New Year is the perfect time to step back and reflect on the past year and identify what you want to accomplish in the upcoming year. When people reflect on the past the biggest questions they ask is “What did I accomplish?”
I would like to add a few other equally important questions:
- Did I accomplish my goals and check off everything on my to do list? Success is often measured by job status, wealth, influence and busyness.
- Did I spend most of this year focused only on advancing my goals while sacrificing time with family and friends?
- Was it all work and no play?
- Was I busy pleasing others and neglecting myself?
- Did I get stuck in this place of doing what I have always done, something safe?
- Did I constantly live in the future instead of being fully present in the now?
The most important question we can ask ourselves at this time of year and time of life is: “Am I living my life on purpose?” Dr. Richard Leider, author of “The Power Of Purpose”, says that living on purpose is a choice that we make every day. Living on purpose means becoming aware of who we are and what we bring to life each day. Dr. Leider suggests a good place to start living on purpose is to ask the question: “Why do I get up in the morning?” This requires taking time everyday for a brief moment of reflection, being still and asking this important question. Meditation or sitting quietly in the morning works best for me.
Now don’t get me wrong. There are lots of obstacles in this fast paced digital world and there never seems to be enough time in the day to get it all done! But taking time for that inner stillness can provide clarity, help you discover your true self and purpose and really understand the true person you are trying to become?
Another great article I recently read nailed it for those of us pursuing our encore career – “Five New Year’s Resolutions for Older Adults:
- I resolve to embrace uncertainty rather than avoid it. The world of work and life has changed dramatically. It is time to explore and embrace new trends and tools in business, technology and work.
- I resolve to seek opportunities in changing conditions. Dealing with change is hard but if we can begin to see change as an opportunity and to identify the benefits for that change we will be ready to move forward.
- I resolve to stop and reflect on my second act. Carve out time at the beginning of the day to reflect and make adjustments moving forward. Journaling and Meditations are great ways to capitalize on this inner reflection time.
- I resolve to remove and improve. This is a perfect time to not only talk about what you want to start doing but also to identify what activities and relationships you want to drop.
- I resolve to make friends with risk. This means stepping out of your comfort zone and taking action instead of letting the future just happen to you. This may mean going back to school, learning new technologies, starting your own business or following your dreams.
Encore Tampa Bay is committed to help you take that next step on your encore journey. We have been creating a wonderful network of individuals and organizations that can help connect you in three ways:
- Connecting to who you really are and your true purpose.
- Connecting to each other. You don’t have to go on this journey by yourself!
- Connecting to your encore. Whether it is learning new skills, finding part time contract work, connecting to a non profit to share your talents and experience, or starting your own business.
- Are you ready to figure out your next step on your Encore Journey —“What’s In, What’s Out , What’s New” Discussion group on January 8th. Get more information here.
- Are you ready to launch your next business idea that could help caregivers??? Join our Tampa Bay Caregiver Accelerator program! Get more information here.
- Are you ready to connect to your Encore? The 2016 ENCORE CONNECT EVENT will provide all the contact and resources you need to take that next step! March 16- Mark your calendars!
I would like to leave you with two inspirational quotes:
“You must do the thing you cannot do, it’s the only way to overcome the fears we all face in doing something new, take a leap into the unknown.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
“ The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet” -Lau Tzu
Happy New Year- Let’s all commit to living our life on purpose in 2016! We are happy to help you along the way….